The Junior Coaster is a family coaster that only supports slight inclines and declines. It replaced the legacy junior coaster and has many skin variations purchasable with credits

General Information
Type: Roller Coaster
Price: $250+
Unlock Requirements: None
Ride Information
Default Entry Cost: $15
Ride Time: Varies
Max Train Length: 7
Seating Information
Seats Per Car: 4
Rows In Each Car: 2
Seats Per Row: 2
🎢 Track Information
Simple track consisting of two pipes with periodic wide V-Shaped cross-ties. The default train skin consists of a orca shaped train with an elongated front and back car alongside fins attached to the left and right of each train. Each train contains two bench seats with traditional lap bars for each individual guest
Default Ratings:
Excitement: 1.30
Intensity: 2.00
Nausea: 0.20
Supported Track:
Supports up to 40° of banking
🎨 Color Information
The Junior Coaster has 7 customizable vehicle colors and 3 customizable track piece colors
Vehicle Colors:
Vehicle Color 1: Train Body (Main)
Vehicle Color 2: Train Body (Secondary)
Vehicle Color 3: Wheel Assembly
Vehicle Color 4: Seating
Vehicle Color 5: Restraints (Main)
Vehicle Color 6: Restraints (Secondary)
Vehicle Color 7: Train Interior Flooring
The color of the wheels is not customizable
Track Colors:
Primary Color: Track Rail Color
Secondary Color: Track Bracing / Ties Color
Supports Color: Support Color
The color of the support foundations is not customizable
Fun Facts
The track and trains of the Junior Coaster are believed to be based on Shamu Express at SeaWorld Orlando; the only Zierer Force Three ever built
It is one of the cheapest custom ride in TPT2 - being the same price as the car ride and swan boats ride
The Junior Coaster is the only coaster to feature drive tyres instead of a chainlift
It is used to complete the "For the extreme children!" achievement